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- File Size 7.58 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date 2018-05-22
- Last Updated 2019-03-27
GradientWhtPriSec TIFF
This is a 16 bit TIFF file with square cones – if such a thing is possible – each going from the fully saturated primary or secondary colors to completely unsaturated (full black). It also has a set of white going through gradient black to pitch black. (Your black and white may vary!)
It is in the 2020 color space and is 16 bits per channel. So, convert it if you have the need to use it as P3 or 709.
Free to use...just practicing a few things and it turned out fun. One of the experiments is adding 'exif' data. In this case, the license is CreativeCommons Attribution Non-Commercial, which means (I think) that you can use it and change it and whatever else this link says, just not use it commercially.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Put in that code and it should download just fine.