These are the download links for the DCPs of the Technicians Toolset Series. We hope they fill your needs. Please let us know what other idea threads we should follow.
Just about everything is SMPTE compliant. Just about everything was derived from 16 bit TIFFs in the 2020 Color space, which you can access from: Original TIFF files for these DCPs.
Passcode to download is always (except on SMPTE Committee work tests that you might stumble on by mistake): QA_b4_QC
EDR/HDR Tests | Meters without Tools – These new test files attempt to deal with the extreme low light levels of extended dynamic range. Each uses a different method of a ‘scale’ for making judgements using the eye. Experiments should include whether different people see the light or color fall off at the same place, and whether the same person sees the same things in the same place on different days…and why. There are also many sets in case a projector system can’t reach as far down with the ‘lower’ set, but might use the ‘low’ set well…and can any system take advantage of the ‘lowest’ sets.
Dial It Down – Dials are tough. 4 colors starting from blue against black…1% going to zero, 2.5.%, 4.5% and 6% doing the same, then the same with red and grey then green. The idea is to stress 2020 systems and to find a way for a non-technical person to monitor the degradation of quality.
Trumpets! – 4 images and some music played 5.1 style. Had this idea of going all MTF, and this is how it begins. Is this valuable or just pretty?
Grey Steps – 4 rows of different percentage boxes, from 100% to 2.5% – With numbers inside the boxes that require a million to one contrast ratio to make out…perhaps…let us know please.
SMPTE Pink Noise and Tones – LFE; Band limited pink noise (Highpass at 10 Hz, Lowpass at 500 Hz) and 6 tones…and a whole bunch of black and white charts. What could be better?
SMPTE Pink Noise and Tones – LCR+; 5 minutes of full bandwidth pink noise into each speaker followed by 6 tones. Similar slides, and also your very first full screen Munsell-type chart~!
2Pop 2K – Just for fun
2Pop 4K – more, Just for fun
Report Form – Manager’s Walk Through
You may as well know what the Managers are going to be talking about when they say that they have made notes on their Form – Please send your ideas for improving this.
Align1 – Music– Works well, but needs to be remade into SMPTE Compliant Format…sorry for delay.
New SMPTE Pink Noise Tones; 5.1 – Works well, but needs to be remade into SMPTE Compliant Format…sorry for delay.
New SMPTE Pink Noise Tones; 7.1 – Works well, but needs to be remade into SMPTE Compliant Format…sorry for delay.
SMPTE Rotating Pink; ProTools Files – The ProTools files used to create the audio for the DCPs above.