Web Site The DCP that you choose will have Pictures that relate to the questions below. Sit in a chair 2/3rds of the way back from the screen (See this link: Where to Judge The Auditorium for more information.) Get comfortable with your computer screen. Set it so it is dim, but readable. Tell the person in the projection room that you are ready – tell them the auditorium number, to be certain. Do well and learn more each time you do these checks. …and Thanks! for being Quality Active. Your Name or Initials Auditorium Number Auditorium Number Facility Name 2025-03-09 08:09:08 Which Test DCP will be run? * Align 1 – 2K Align 1 – 4K Faces 1 Faces 2 xkcd1080 – 2K xkcd1080 – 4K Before running the DCP...I need to make a comment... NoYes Broken chair? Sticky or slippery floors? Lights not going all the way on or off? Rattles in the Air Conditioning? A weird smell? Floor LED problem? Screen damage? Auditorium Quality — Masking | Sconces | EXIT Signs Did the DCP start properly? YesNo Did the masking go to the proper position? YesNo Any problems with the Screen? NoYes Did any theater lights stay on when the DCP started? NoYes Any other odd light problems? No Left exit light Right exit light Top screen lights Bottom screen lights Lights behind screen Projection room work light Picture Quality — Darkness | Brightness | Framing | Color | Focus Test 1 – Focus OK? * YesNo Test 2 – Brightness OK? * YesNo Test 3 – Darkness OK? * YesNo Test 4 – Color OK? * YesNo Test 5 – Bulb Flicker OK? * None at all A Bit Medium Horrible Test 6 - Port Glass Dust * None Medium Image on Glass Is Rich and Clear Popcorn Butter Again! Luminance Measurement Candela or Ft-Lambert Candela/m2 Ft-L Which light level/color equipment are you using? Cine Meter II (iOS) Harkness Digital Screen Verifier (iOS) Other Human Visual System Only Send to my email? Yes Tech email Final Comments? No Yes Any Sound Issues? Buzzes or Hums? Rattles? Too Soft or Loud? Not Balanced?