- Version
- Download 51
- File Size 105.42 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date 2019-06-07
- Last Updated 2022-03-25
Taking a break from TIFFs with scales, i.e., gradient marks and numbers for judging contrast, this TIFF is just an experiment in smoothness from 100 to 0 all over the screen...and, really, just pretty.
There are 3 versions to try for your setup,
one where the 50% mark is exactly on...but may be muddy in the darks on some screens,
one that moves the 50% mark toward the light, giving the darks more gradient space,
one that moves the 50% mark toward the dark, perhaps useful for those with incredible dynamic range.
Confuse them at your own risk. The 0 - 100% scale is the same for all.
These are included (together with the Primary and Secondary Colors plate) in the DCP that can be downloaded here: White | Primary | Secondary Radial Dials DCP
Alas, I couldn't help myself...dials have been added...and they look a lot better than the png file below. The download also includes the dials only against black and masked out in case you want to put them into your own DCPs. PS – These png files don't really do the TIFFs justice.
As Always, 16 bit, 2020 and the Passcode is QA_b4_QC